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CBD can help treat acne by reducing inflammation, blocking oil production, and reducing skin cell overgrowth

CBD Can Help Reduce Acne

CBD provides a unique trinity of anti-acne actions: 1) Reducing the production of oil by sebaceous glands, 2) Reducing the production of inflammatory compounds, and 3) Reducing overgrowth of cells that clog pores. There is also evidence that CBD is antibacterial. All together, CBD delivers a knockout punch to acne.

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Wai Natural's CBD Oil and Hemp Oil contain hemp-derived CBD and are legal in all 50 states of the US

Our CBD Products Are Legal In the US

The legality of CBD can be a complicated issue where federal law can clash with state law. One of the most important factors is the source of the CBD. CBD products derived from hemp are legal in all 50 states. Wai Natural's products (CBD oil and hemp oil) are all derived from hemp and are therefore legal in all 50 states.

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Like grapefruit juice, CBD can reduce the activity of enzymes involved in the metabolism of other medications

Potential Interactions Of CBD In The Body To Be Aware Of

CBD can reduce the activity of several Cytochrome P450 enzymes, the same enzymes responsible for breaking down many other medications, both prescription and over-the-counter. In this article, we explain what you need to know before taking CBD.

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CBD-Enriched Hemp Oil

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