Diabetes mellitus is a disorder characterized by high blood glucose (sugar) levels over a prolonged period of time. Type 1 diabetes results from the pancreas being unable to produce the hormone insulin, which functions as a signal for the body to remove glucose from the blood for use or storage by cells. The most common cause of Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune destruction of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Type 2 diabetes involves insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells no longer respond as they should to the insulin signal. The most common cause of Type 2 diabetes is excessive body weight and insufficient exercise.
With all forms of diabetes, the high blood glucose levels means that the cells of the body are not able to absorb the glucose and use it to provide energy for their normal functions. Thus, the cells of the body are essentially starving despite the abundance of sugar in the bloodstream, and this is why diabetes has so many symptoms and side effects. The high levels of sugar in the blood cause also cause high blood pressure (hypertension), which can cause further complications.
Some of the first evidence that CBD could help prevent diabetes came with a study of diabetic mice. The CBD was able to significantly reduce the occurrence and delay the onset of diabetes in this mouse model. This particular mouse model most closely resembles human Type 1 diabetes, and it is likely that the CBD was exerting anti-inflammatory effects and blocked the production of specific cytokines which prevented the destruction of the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas.
A more recent study has confirmed that CBD can exert strong anti-inflammatory effects which can protect the pancreas from autoimmune attack which can lead to Type 1 diabetes. In mice which had already developed diabetes, CBD was able to reduce the symptoms of the disease.
There is further evidence that CBD can also help to reduce diabetic complications and protect the body from the negative consequences of diabetes. High blood glucose levels can increase the production of free radicals which can contribute to diabetic complications, and CBD exerts a powerful antioxidant effect and reduces free radical generation. There is also some evidence that CBD can possibly help prevent metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance through its actions at the PPAR receptors[Scarf2017].
There is some evidence that activation of CB1 receptors in the endocannabinoid system can actually increase metabolic syndrome and obesity by increasing insulin resistance and increasing fat accumulation, particularly in the abdominal region. This means that molecules like THC which activate CB1 receptors can actually help to promote the development of diabetes. On the other hand, CBD is blocks activity at the CB1 receptor, making it a valuable tool in diabetes prevention.
CBD can also help to reduce diabetes-related complications through its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and tissue protective effects. For example, CBD can help to protect against diabetes-induced retinal damage through its ability to act as a neuroprotectant and suppress the immune response. And CBD can protect heart cells (cardiomyocytes) that are exposed to prolonged high levels of glucose.
In summary, CBD shows the potential to help prevent the development of diabetes and to help lessen the negative consequences of diabetes. Wai Natural offers high-quality CBD oil that you can purchase today!